
Super fast NeoVIM configuration

Primary LanguageLuaOtherNOASSERTION

My Neovim Configuration

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中文文档因为我比较懒,所以不能保证完全同步,如果遇到 任何文档不对应的问题,请以英文版为准。


This project is originally inspired by theniceboy/nvim.

And lua code is inspired by siduck76/NvChad.

Take a look at their contribution, which is really fantastic.


  • Really fast! Start up in only 34ms! (See the bottom of the doc for the data)
  • LSP support
  • Completion like VSCode
  • Tree file manager
  • Symbols explorer
  • Buffer line manager
  • Fuzzy file/text/image finder
  • Floating terminal and REPL support
  • Handy git tools
  • Motion on speed
  • Markdown preview and snippet
  • Optimized Rust, C++, Golang, Lua coding experience
  • Configured most of the GUI: nvui, neovide, nvim-qt...


I recommend you to use my configuration as a base and build your own configuration. In my opinion, everyone should have their own customized neovim. So you can fork my repository and then run:

git clone https://github.com/YOUR_USER_NAME/nvim ~/.config/nvim

Open your neovim by command nvim and wait for all plugins installed. Please quit and reopen the neovim for loading all plugins.

NOTE: Markdown preview plugin is installed in another thread, please wait for it until it response message of installation success. Otherwise, you will find that you can't activate it.


Just wanna have a try but do not want to mess up your local environment? I have docker script for you!

docker run -w /root -it --rm alpine:edge sh -uelic '
      apk add git neovim ripgrep alpine-sdk --update
      git clone https://github.com/Avimitin/nvim ~/.config/nvim
      nvim -c "autocmd User PackerComplete quitall"
      nvim /root/.config/nvim/README.md


Neovim (MUST)

Currently I am using NVIM v0.6.0-dev+501-gcb15055c2. If you got any error, please check your neovim version.

Install nerdfont (MUST)

Most of my setting are based on nerd font. It's highly recommended to install nerdfont for impressive icon support.


I am using Surf as my markdown preview browser. Firefox is too heavy for the preview job. If you have interest on it, please follow the instruction from the official pages. If not, you can easily modify the settings:

sed -i 's/surf/firefox/g' ./lua/config/mkdp.lua

How to build surf

# Arch linux contains most of the library
# Other distro need to check out documents yourself
git clone https://git.suckless.org/surf
cd surf
sudo make clean install

Check health

Open your neovim and input following command to check if the dependence is all installed or not.


Details about my configuration

See addtional


MIT License

Commits descriptions

<N> means new features
<B> means breaking changes
<F> means a new fix
<R> means refactor

Hope this can help reading the one line git log.


  • Introduce my workflows
  • Optimized neovim start up time based on each file

Start up time test data

# Open only buffer
# nvim --startuptime /tmp/nvim-startuptime && tail -n 1 /tmp/nvim-startuptime | awk -F: '{print $1}'
# test it 3 times
031.760  000.002
030.677  000.002
034.750  000.002

# Open README.md
# nvim README.md --startuptime /tmp/nvim-startuptime && tail -n 1 /tmp/nvim-startuptime | awk -F: '{print $1}'
093.170  000.002
092.512  000.003
090.087  000.002

# Open Rust file (which will trigger LSP server)
# nvim lib.rs --startuptime /tmp/nvim-startuptime && tail -n 1 /tmp/nvim-startuptime | awk -F: '{print $1}'
122.347  000.003
113.395  000.003
118.647  000.003

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