
Extraction of Web Archive data using Common Crawl index API

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


goCommonCrawl extracts web data from Common Crawl Web archive, that is located on Amazon S3 storage, using their index API server.


go get -u github.com/karust/goCommonCrawl


If you need to fetch some URL without concurrency:

package main

import (
	cc "github.com/karust/gocommoncrawl"

func main() {
    // Get information about `example.com/` URL from  `CC-MAIN-2019-22` archive
	pages, err := cc.GetPagesInfo("CC-MAIN-2019-22", "example.com/", 45)
	if err != nil {

    // Parse retrieved pages information and save it in `./data`
	cc.SaveContent(pages, "./data", 45)

Concurrent way to do things:

func main() {
	// Create channel for results
	resChan := make(chan cc.Result)

	// Some URLs to fetch pages from
	sites := []string{"medium.com/", "example.com/", "tutorialspoint.com/"}

	// Make save folder and start goroutine for each URL
	for _, url := range sites {
		// Configure request
		commonConfig := cc.Config{
			ResultChan: resChan,
			Timeout:    30,
			// Version of archive
			CrawlDB: "CC-MAIN-2019-22",
			// Wait time between AWS S3 downloads in milliseconds
			WaitMS: 53,
			// Extensions to save
			Extensions: []string{".html", ".pdf", ".doc", ".txt"},
			// Max amount of files to save
			MaxAmount: 20,

		saveFolder := "./data/" + cc.EscapeURL(url)
		go cc.FetchURLData(url, saveFolder, commonConfig)

	// Listen for results from goroutines
	for r := range resChan {
		if r.Error != nil {
			fmt.Printf("Error occured: %v\n", r.Error)
		} else if r.Progress > 0 {
			fmt.Printf("Progress %v: %v/%v\n", r.URL, r.Progress, r.Total)

In the result, you should get folders with files (mostly HTML and robot.txt) that belong to given URLs.