goCommonCrawl extracts web data from Common Crawl Web archive, that is located on Amazon S3 storage, using their index API server.
go get -u github.com/karust/goCommonCrawl
If you need to fetch some URL without concurrency:
package main
import (
cc "github.com/karust/gocommoncrawl"
func main() {
// Get information about `example.com/` URL from `CC-MAIN-2019-22` archive
pages, err := cc.GetPagesInfo("CC-MAIN-2019-22", "example.com/", 45)
if err != nil {
// Parse retrieved pages information and save it in `./data`
cc.SaveContent(pages, "./data", 45)
Concurrent way to do things:
func main() {
// Create channel for results
resChan := make(chan cc.Result)
// Some URLs to fetch pages from
sites := []string{"medium.com/", "example.com/", "tutorialspoint.com/"}
// Make save folder and start goroutine for each URL
for _, url := range sites {
// Configure request
commonConfig := cc.Config{
ResultChan: resChan,
Timeout: 30,
// Version of archive
CrawlDB: "CC-MAIN-2019-22",
// Wait time between AWS S3 downloads in milliseconds
WaitMS: 53,
// Extensions to save
Extensions: []string{".html", ".pdf", ".doc", ".txt"},
// Max amount of files to save
MaxAmount: 20,
saveFolder := "./data/" + cc.EscapeURL(url)
go cc.FetchURLData(url, saveFolder, commonConfig)
// Listen for results from goroutines
for r := range resChan {
if r.Error != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error occured: %v\n", r.Error)
} else if r.Progress > 0 {
fmt.Printf("Progress %v: %v/%v\n", r.URL, r.Progress, r.Total)
In the result, you should get folders with files (mostly HTML and robot.txt) that belong to given URLs.