
prebuild binaries: Dynamically linked to musl?

user9931 opened this issue · 5 comments

I'm trying to run this file on ubuntu and nothing happens
ldd says
root@host:/tmp/cert-chain-resolver_linux_amd64$ ldd cert-chain-resolver (0x00007ffc1537f000) => not found

Those builds intended only for alpine linux (using musl)?

Hmm, I thought that Go produces static builds by default. Do you know if there is any flag for go build to produce a fully static build? Could you try to compile from sources locally?

I'm not a programmer in any means, but CGO_ENABLED=0 go build inside source's directory works for me
Thank you for the app

~/apps/cert-chain-resolver/cert-chain-resolver-1.0.3  ldd ./cert-chain-resolver
        not a dynamic executable

Hi, thanks for your advice. Could you try the attached build, if it fixes the issue for you?


Just ran into the very same issues as @thehotery, expecting the release to be executable on my linux machine but experiencing weird "not found" errors until I learned on debugging with ldd and seeing missing library.

the attached build fixes this and is executable

Thanks for confirming, released as 1.0.4.