
Repository Status & Roadmap

kolbis opened this issue · 2 comments

Dear Maintainers

Back in 2018 there was a plan for version 4.0.0
Yet, the current version is still 3.9.X

  1. Is the repo still being maintained?
  2. Would you recommend stop (or not) using it?
  3. If we decide to use it, would you recommend forking it and extend it? Or would a PR for the current repo is a better choice?

I'll answer the questions from my perspective as a non-maintainer/owner of the project but as a user of the project.

  1. no, I created a pull request to add a functionality that makes sense to me. Until now there was no answer and emails to are not answered either.
    If you take a look at the failed pull requests you will notice pretty fast that the code is outdated.

  2. Zalando still uses it productively and just because a repository is "silent" it is not directly a legacy system or not usable. If you need a layout service with minimal functionality - Tailor is the right choice.

  3. A fork is generally important for critical systems, you never know what will happen in the future with this repository or with the dependencies and if suddenly the repository disappears but you have a dependency to it, then it will suck for everyone.

Pull requests don't make sense in my eyes at the moment because there is simply no activity of the maintainers and to get the pull request green probably exceeds the effort of a normal contributor.

I am currently working on a layout service myself, so feature requests etc. would be welcome as issues.

This blog post gives some light to what Zalando is currently doing