Would be nice to have a CHANGELOG
akauppi opened this issue ยท 7 comments
akauppi commented
Where to see what's changed since, say, 0.9.9-gh52-1
I was expecting the GitHub "release" page to have details. It doesn't. And there's no CHANGELOG
file, either. Where should I look?
hjacobs commented
In general the tokens lib needs some love regarding documentation (also for the new Kubernetes support)..
jbellmann commented
LappleApple commented
whiskeysierra commented
I'll just leave this here as a reference: http://keepachangelog.com/en/0.3.0/
hjacobs commented
My personal wish would be to simply use the GitHub releases feature as a changelog: https://github.com/zalando/tokens/releases
Some examples:
vadeg commented
Github releases contains this information since 2019. Feel free to reopen this ticket if needed.