
Accept webhook url as a config parameter

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Currently, webhook urls are built by concatenating the value of HOST_ADDR config entry with /api/hook. Please see here for details.

It would be nice to allow specifying the webhook url as a config entry (HOOK_URL for example).
This would be extremely useful for self hosted deployments where Zappr is not accessible on the internet, but all webhooks are accepted through a single entry point accessible from the internet and routed internally (to Zappr and other recipients) based on rules.

Probably that would be a new key in


So the setup is basically, there is a Proxy / LB / Server between Github and Zappr you want to add to Github and that one later makes sure that any data from Github gets forwarded to the internal Zappr Endpoint, e.g. using AWS ApiGateway for example. I will update my PR comments than.

So the setup is basically, there is a Proxy / LB / Server between Github and Zappr you want to add to Github and that one later makes sure that any data from Github gets forwarded to the internal Zappr Endpoint, e.g. using AWS ApiGateway for example. I will update my PR comments than.
