
OneOf Labels Check

drummerwolli opened this issue · 5 comments

in the label check config, it should be possible to define an array of labels, where just one label needs to be matched for the check to be fulfilled. config could look something like this:

    # pull request cannot be merged without these labels (one match is enough)
      - merge to dev
      - merge to live
    # pull request cannot be merged without these labels (all need to be matched)
      - reviewed

(this example config also demonstrates my use-case, i want to to make it mandatory to indicate which branch you want to merge to)
(trying to maintain backwards compatibility, naming can be adjusted, of course)

Would your feature request be also covered with integrating existing apps like GitHub Required Labels?

👆 = Zalando employee

Yes, but I need this on our internal zappr running on GHE.

Sure, connection to Zalando GHE similar to would be required.

I'm not sure I understand correctly, should I use now this other tool to get this done? First I would need to deploy this then somewhere internally, and then maintain the connection to it, etc, etc. Zappr is already running internally, so as soon as this is done, it would automatically appear as a feature internally as well, for everyone at Zalando.

I see this as a fairly small feature request to the already existing label checker in zappr. Especially in comparison with that, the addition and setup of another tool sounds non-viable to me.

I see two options for Zalando internal use case (GHE @ Zalando):

  1. implement the feature similar to the description above
  2. install tools like required-labels as part of the platform (DF) and provide such a tool as a service to zalando devs