
[BUG] - Amnezia parameters do not remain

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Describe the bug


when I import an Amnezia configuration via a file and then edit it, I do not see the extra Amnezia parameters that were in the file.

The same happens when I copy a vanilla WireGuard tunnel, then enter Amnezia parameters there, save it and then edit it again.

(Following #149 (comment))

Smartphone (please complete the following information):

  • Device: Fairphone 5
  • Android Version: Android 14 / CalyxOS 5.9.0
  • App Version: 3.5.1 / F-Droid

Expected behavior
The parameters are retained.

Screenshots (Only if necessary)

(I have cut away the file selection, as it contained personal folders and files, among other things).

Additional context

The VPN connection does not seem to work either. However, it does on my computer.

Hello! I'll take a look at this and see if I can reproduce.

Edit: Works when Use Amnezia userspace is enabled in Settings.

Edit 2: Even if userspace mode is activated, nothing is displayed for “Init packet junk size” and “Response packet junk size” if these have been saved with the value 0.

@zaneschepke Importing Amnezia configs is completely broken without Use Amnezia userspace. Tried via file or QR code, none of the Amnezia-specific values are loaded and the tunnel can't connect.

Hello! This should be fixed in the latest nightly. Let me know if there are any further problems and I can reopen.

Awesome, can't wait for the next F-Droid release!