
'exa' command not found -- but it is installed

gonzus opened this issue · 3 comments

This happens on a Mac M1 laptop.

When I open a new terminal I get this error:

ERROR: 'exa' command not found

But the command is already installed:

$ which exa
⚡ 13:16 Thu 04/May gonzo@gonzo-mbp ~ 

$ exa *.txt
fedora.txt  gonzo.txt  lan.txt  notes.txt  sean.txt  valentin.txt

When using homebrew, it seems that the brew shell must be applied to the .zshrc file first for it to work.

eval $(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)
plug "example/plugin"

Unfortunately I can't test it. @gonzus could you confirm that @kuckjwi0928 's solution works for you?

gonzus commented

Yes, this solves the problem. Thanks @kuckjwi0928 !