
System.NotImplementedException: The method or operation is not implemented

guigui43 opened this issue · 2 comments

On dev branch with Xamarin App, I have this error : The method or operation is not implemented

My host use SSL (TLS1.2)

Details :
{System.NotImplementedException: The method or operation is not implemented.
at System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler.set_SslProtocols (System.Security.Authentication.SslProtocols value) [0x00000] in <996a681f30a44cd685a4da54e11956e2>:0
at RedmineApi.Core.DefaultRedmineHttpSettings.Build () [0x00150] in xxx\netcore10\src\netcore10\DefaultRedmineHttpSettings.cs:195
at RedmineApi.Core.RedmineManager..ctor (System.String host, System.String apiKey, RedmineApi.Core.MimeType mimeType, RedmineApi.Core.IRedmineHttpSettings httpClientHandler) [0x0001d] in xxx\netcore10\src\netcore10\RedmineManager.cs:45
at Lojelis.RedmineX.Core.ViewModels.Team.MainViewModel+d__76.MoveNext () [0x00018] in xxxx\ViewModels\Team\MainViewModel.cs:265 }

MyApp sample to reproduce the problem

VS2017 Preview (latest version)
Xamarin Forms 3 + MVVMCross (latest version)

It works with UWP but on Android there is this issue

If you implement IRedmineHttpSettings like

public class AndroidHttpSettings: IRedmineHttpSettings
    public HttpClientHandler Build()
var handler = new Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidClientHandler ();
//set properties
return handler;

it should solve your issue.