
Ensure installed?

SDA-31 opened this issue · 4 comments

My Neovim configuration is declarative and I prefer to write the configuration once which automatically installs all the required packages.
Could you provide ensure_installed mechanism, like in mason-lspconfig.nvim or mason-null-ls.nvim?

If you want to explicitly define which mason packages you want to install, I think you are better of using which lets you do that, regardless if it's a linter, formatter or lsp.

I don't see the benefit of adding ensure_installed when there is other tools that do that, and support more sources than just those specific for conform.

I use this one for the conform tools and WhoIsSethDaniel/mason-tool-installer.nvim for everything else.

I fail to see how this plugin brings any value in this use case? The mason-tool-installer should be able to install any tools (conform included) as long as they are in the mason registry There is slight change in the package names from confrom to mason, but in like 99% of the cases they are identical

Just not having to write the name of tools in multiple places, and now the ignore list.