
Should the Connection given to InitializationPlugin be Closeable?

victornoel opened this issue · 2 comments

I understood that InitializationPlugin.getConnection() returned Connection that couldn't be closed for the duration of the test.

But I noticed that when implementing InitializationPlugin.connectionMade, the Connection that was passed to it could be closed.

Is that on purpose? Could it be the reason behind #7?

Hi again @victornoel and thank you for reporting back this issue. You were right to assume that this was indeed a bug. For the sake of consistency the InititializationPlugin should be given the same sort of connection as is provided to the tests. I have created a fix and will push it shortly. It should also solve #7, but keeps it open until you have confirmed it.

Just released this fix as part of version 1.0-RC1. If no new major issues appear you can expect a 1.0 release in a few weeks.