
How i can trigger httpsender script to add header after authorization script executed?

aynacisevda opened this issue · 3 comments

I want to add authorization header to my requests for scanning authorized requests.
I can take my token value from response body by using Authentication script. ( )
But although i set this token as Global Variable at Authentication script and call from Http Sender request ( ) Authorization header is not added to requests and also could not see that Http Sender request is triggered.
How i can solve this problem?

Everything seems to be ok...
Did you take a look into what "token" is getting from "GlobalVariables.getGlobalVar("hackazon_token");" in the HTTPSender script? Maybe that shines some light. Sorry for not having the time run your script here...

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You don't trigger it directly, you just need to enable it. ZAP will automatically execute any HTTP Sender script enabled when a HTTP message is sent/received.

@thc202 yes it is correct.After enable it ZAP automatically execute HTTP Sender script.