GPT Consent Collection

Minimal consent collection script to meet Google Ad network consent collection requirements.

Consent collection flow

  • Defer Ad Loading - disableInitialLoad
  • Check the cookie for existing consent.
    • If consent is granted
      • enable personalisation
      • load ads
  • If consent is explicitly denied
    • disable personalization
    • load ads
  • If no consent signal is set
    • prompt for consent.
  • When prompt is completed
    • Drop consent signal cookie
    • If consent is granted
      • enable personalisation
      • load ads
  • If consent is explicitly denied
    • disable personalization
    • load ads


Include the script tag somewhere within the page.

<script src="//"></script>

Include an overlay element with the id consentOverlay somewhere within the page that will be displayed to users that have not provided consent. This must include elements with the data-consent-action="opt-in" and data-consent-action="opt-out" attributes that are used to handle the users choice and close the prompt.

<div id="consentOverlay" style="display:none">
  <div class="prompt">
    <h1>Can we use your data to tailor ads for you?</h1>
      Our partners will collect data and use cookies for ad personalization and measurement. <a href="/privacy" target="_blank">Learn how</a> we and our partners collect and use data
    <button data-consent-action="opt-in">Yes<button>
    <button data-consent-action="opt-out">No<button>
    You can change your choice at any time.

Include a button (or any clickable element) to re-display the prompt somewhere on the site. Any element with the 'data-consent-action="choose"' attribute set will have the click handler attached.

<div class="footer">
  <span data-consent-action="choose">Change your ad personalization choice.</span>