
host not being set if caFile is set.

jcengland opened this issue · 3 comments

After setting the caFile directive in the lab.toml file due to using a self signed cert I get the following error:

15:40 $ lab project list
2022/02/04 15:40:25 ERROR: project_list.go:57: Get "/api/v4/projects?membership=false&order_by=id&owned=false&per_page=100&search=&simple=true&sort=asc&starred=false": unsupported protocol scheme ""

host is set in lab.toml :

  host = ""

  user = "england"

  ca_file = "/Users/england/.config/lab/cert.pem"

But this did look like host was not set. Let me say I know little about go so this could be way off base so take this with a grain of salt. It seems that in the function InitWithCustomCA has _host passed in but host = _host is never set as it is in the Init function. Looks like this code has been there for a while so I might be missing something.

Thanks for working on this project, it is really useful.


edit: this was with the current release v0.23.0

Hey @jcengland , thanks for the report!

And yes. You're right.
I think it was never really spotted before just because no one really used it before neither, obviously, tested (what surprises me tbh).

I'm going to submit a PR and let you test it before merging.

@jcengland would you mind testing #788 in your environment?

That worked! Thanks for getting that fixed.
