This integration is deprecated I created new plugin which is much easier to use For now supports only Jitsi
This is Slack like slash integration. You will need to enter /appear or any other command that you set in step 4 and you will get as a response or Jitsi url which you can just click to join a conversation. You can also optionaly provide room name for appear in as a argument to /appear command. If you don't provide anything it will take name like teamname_roomname
UPDATE: This plugin was originally written to support only and later is updated to support also Jitsi. You can set both of them or to choose one of them to setup.
- Install with
npm i
cp .env.example .env
Change .env to match your needs. Only required thing here to change is TOKEN_APPEAR and/or TOKEN_JITSI, the rest is optional. To get token you will need to finish setup in step 4. You will get:
Run with
npm start
In Mattermost desktop application go to left menu and choose Integrations. Follow instructions from here. In step 4 put url to match your needs. Default is http://localhost:3002/appearin
If you are using localhost and http instead of https you will need to change Mattermost server configuration. Make sure that you have following
"AllowedUntrustedInternalConnections": "localhost",
"EnableInsecureOutgoingConnections": true,
- Even if you use https you need to System Console / Developer and set Allow untrusted internal connections to:
<enter host of the app without port eg.>