
Text on Image Wheel becomes blurry on responsive resize

AFSIDD opened this issue · 2 comments

The text on my wheel becomes blurry if i open it on mobile devices, although it works fine on desktop.

theWheel = new Winwheel({
'numSegments' : 2,
'textFontSize' : '16',
'responsive' : true,
'drawMode' : 'image',
'drawText' : true,
'textOrientation': 'horizontal',
'textDirection' : 'reversed',
'textAlignment' : 'center',
'textMargin' : 5,
'textFontFamily' : 'Ariel',
'textFontWeight' : 'lighter',
'textStrokeStyle': 'black',
'textLineWidth' : 0.2,
'textFillStyle' : 'white',
'textMargin' : '20',
'segments' : segments,
'animation' :
'type' : 'spinToStop',
'duration' : 5, // Duration in seconds.
'spins' : 8, // Number of complete spins.
'callbackFinished' : alertPrize

I had the same problem. I killed her like that. Removed option responsive and sets for canvas max-width: 100%

I have the same problem expect i don't have the responsive attribute true. I am only using small height and width on mobile like (360x360).