
paths parameter not working properly

vwfs-sasmoe opened this issue · 0 comments

Hi there,
it seems like the paths parameter is not working. At least not the way I expect it to work (same as in the git-resource.

The resource works as intended as long as I do not add the paths parameter. I always end up getting the following error in Concourse:

Here is the current resource config (I replaced repo, project and user data):

- name: bitbucket-pull-requests
  type: git-bitbucket-pr
    base_url: https://my.base.url
    username: myusername
    password: mypassword
    project: projectA
    repository: repoA
      uri: ssh://git@my.base.url/projectA/repoA.git
      private_key: mysuperprivaterepokey
      - path/to/directory

I tried changing the values in paths, no luck. In addition, I tried adding the pahts parameter within the git config. It then does not throw an error anymore, but does not filter out any paths either.

The only idea I could come up with is that in line 74 of the check file the uri is constructed differently than in line 43.
In the working one (line 43) the path is …/repos/${repository}${1}…. in line 74 it is …/repos/${repository}/….

Can anyone help to solve the problem?

System: Concourse v5.8.0, Bitbucket Server v4.5.2

Thanks in advance!