
Solutions to the problem sets found on MIT OCW: 18.02 (2007): http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/mathematics/18-02-multivariable-calculus-fall-2007/assignments/

Note: Below solutions were found by me while learning the material. They are unchecked and many are likely incorrect. Final answers are underlined.

pset 1

Problem 1

a) A,B,C,D = (+1,+1,+1), (+1,-1,-1), (-1,+1,-1), (-1,-1,+1)

b) AB = A B cos(θ) = -1 ⟹ θ = acos(-1/3) ≈ 109°


  • ABAC = 8 cos(θ) = 4 ⟹ θ = acos(1/2) = π/3 = 60°
  • ABCD = 8 cos(θ) = 0 ⟹ θ = acos(0) = π/2 = 90°

d) (1/2) * 2√2 * 2√2 * sin(π/3) = 2√2

Problem 2

a) v₁ ⋅ (v₂-v₃) = 0


  • P lies on the altitude from P₁ ⟺ v₁ ⋅ (v₂-v₃) = 0 ⟺ v₁⋅v₂ - v₁v₃ = 0 ⟺ v₁⋅v₂ = v₁v₃
  • P lies on the altitude from P₂ ⟺ v₂ ⋅ (v₁-v₃) = 0 ⟺ v₁⋅v₂ - v₂v₃ = 0 ⟺ v₁⋅v₂ = v₂v₃

c) v₁v₃ = v₂v₃ ⟺ v₁v₃ - v₂v₃ = 0 ⟺ v₃ ⋅ (v₁-v₂) ⟺ P lies on the altitude from P₃

Problem 3

The tetrahedron has rotational symmetry in 3 dimensions, so the vectors must also have rotational symmetry in 3 dimensions. Any symmetrical set of vectors sums to 0.

Problem 4

a) u: /, v: \

b) For clarity, let a=θ_1 and b=θ_2

A₁A₂ =

cos(a)cos(b)-sin(a)sin(b)  -cos(a)sin(b)-sin(a)cos(b)
sin(a)cos(b)+sin(b)cos(a)  -sin(a)sin(b)+cos(a)cos(b)


cos(a+b)  -sin(a+b)
sin(a+b)   cos(a+b)

A rotation of a degrees followed by a rotation of b degrees is the same as a rotation of a+b degrees.


A^-1 = 1/(cos²(θ)+sin²(θ)) ⋅

cos(θ)   sin(θ)
-sin(θ)  cos(θ)

= A^T

cos²(θ)+sin²(θ) = 1

A^T⋅A =

cos²(θ)+sin²(θ)            sin(θ)cos(θ)-sin(θ)cos(θ)
sin(θ)cos(θ)-sin(θ)cos(θ)  cos²(θ)+sin²(θ)


1  0
0  1

sin(-θ) = -sin(θ), cos(-θ) = cos(θ). Rotation by -x is rotation in the opposite direction.


-1/√2      √(1-1/√2)      -1/√2       √(1+1/√2)      -1/√2      √(1+1/√2)      -1/√2       √(1-1/√2)
√(1-1/√2)  1              -√(1+1/√2)  1              √(1+1/√2)  -1             -√(1-1/√2)  -1


Problem 5

a) The amount of each ingredient required to make all of the pastries.

b) N⋅M⋅X

c) No access to MATLAB
