
minInclusive/maxInclusive constraints on optional dimension

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Describe the bug

sh:minInclusive and sh:maxInclusive constraints on a property with cube:Undefined values make it impossible to validate the data.

Affected functionalities (all that apply)

  • CSV Mapping
  • Transformation
  • Publishing
  • Other

Relevant links

query showing an example of dimension having both cube:Undefined values and sh:minInclusive constraint

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. create a cube from CSV with some empty fields in a numeric column
  2. Apply transformation
  3. Edit metadata
  4. Publish
    Expected behavior

The sh:minInclusive and sh:maxInclusive constraints should be omitted because there are undefined values.
Alternatively, they can be nested with the data type:

sh:or (
            [ sh:datatype xsd:decimal ; sh:minInclusive "1"^^xsd:decimal ; sh:maxInclusive "5"^^xsd:decimal ] 
            [ sh:datatype cube:Undefined ]
         ) ;


Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Windows 11
  • Browser chrome

Additional context

This will no longer apply once we switch to shapes, right?

yes, shapes may catch the anomaly, but it would be useful to use the latest shapes builder to generate correct shapes

@Rdataflow created a query to highlight this error in action

As discussed on the call today, the right way to improve this would be to update Cube Creator to use the newest barnard59 step for building the cube shape

Unfortunately, that proved problematic already since it requires updating barnard59 to a newer major release. Hence, a conservative estimate here.