
Support (R2)RML graph maps

Closed this issue · 2 comments

(this is a clone of #135):

R2RML can output triples to specific named graph defined using rr:graphMap property.

Either as template

[] rr:subjectMap [
  rr:graphMap [ rr:template "{@type}" ];

or constant

[] rr:subjectMap [
  rr:graphMap [ rr:constant ex:StopsGraph ];

I propose to add this as a language feature in the map block. Multiple should be allowed

map Subject from source {
  graph template "{0}" with Type

  graph constant ""

  # Also using prefixed names if possible
  graph constant ex.StopsGraph

Sample XRM:

output r2rml

map Employee from EMPLOYEE {
	subject template "{0}" with EMPNO;

		constant "" ;
		template "{0}" with EMPNO ;


Declaring graphs is only supported for R2RML, RML and CARML output. It's not supported for CSVW output.

Generally allowing to use RdfClass|RdfProperty|Datatype as constant is useful and makes sense as well IMO.

# Also using prefixed names if possible
	constant ex.StopsGraph ;

The following snippets show how graphmaps can be described in XRM and how it looks in generated R2RML

Sample XRM:

output r2rml

map ThingIntoGraphmapsMapping from ThingIntoGraphmapsSource {
	subject template "{0}" with id;

		constant "";          // constant IRI as string
		template "{0}" with id;  // templated IRI with variable(s)
		constant thing.Thing;              // IRI from Class
		constant thing.color;              // IRI from Property
		constant employee.myDatatype;      // IRI from Datatype

logical-source ThingIntoGraphmapsSource {
	type rdb
	source "THINGS"


Generated R2RML:

PREFIX rr: <>

<#ThingIntoGraphmapsMapping> a rr:TriplesMap ;
	rr:logicalTable [ rr:tableName "THINGS" ];
	rr:subjectMap [
		rr:template "{id}" ;
		rr:graphMap [
		  rr:constant <>;
		rr:graphMap [
		  rr:template "{id}" ;
		rr:graphMap [
		  rr:constant thing:Thing;
		rr:graphMap [
		  rr:constant thing:color;
		rr:graphMap [
		  rr:constant employee:myDatatype;

Updated documentation with zazuko/expressive-rdf-mapper@9c1e9f8