'NoneType' object has no attribute 'subject'
dodiorne opened this issue · 1 comments
testing this out and getting the above error from multiple CA servers. here is the full command i'm running with debug output.
└─$ python3 entry.py -u xxxx-p "xxxxxxx" -d xxxxx -dc-ip x.x.x.x -ns x.x.x.x -debug
[] Collecting userlist, CA info and CRL on LDAP
[] Found 1xxxxx users in LDAP
[-] Too much CA, need to select one specific
[*] Please select one:
[0] xxxxx
[1] xxxxxx
[2] xxxxx
[3] xxxxx
[] Found CA xxxxx on xxxxxxxx
[] Dumping CA certificate and private key
[-] Failed to connect to Service Control Manager Remote Protocol
[*] Forging certificates for every users. This can take some time...
[-] Got error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'subject'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/kali/certsync/certsync/entry.py", line 602, in main
File "/home/kali/certsync/certsync/entry.py", line 229, in run
base_user_key, base_user_cert = self.forge_cert_base()
File "/home/kali/certsync/certsync/entry.py", line 254, in forge_cert_base
cert = cert.issuer_name(self.ca_cert.subject)
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'subject'
Hey, looks like the CA you are targeting does not exists anymore. Can you check if you can certipy ca -backup
(more info here) properly ?