problem with Inverse Compton in Klein-Nishina regime
nuk34 opened this issue · 2 comments
Thanks lot for this great tool. I am playing around with Inverse Compton emission in the Klein-Nishina regime. When plotting the spectrum I noticed a lot of wiggles at higher energies (see IC_KleinNIshina.pdf). Is there something that can be done? Thanks a lot.
Here is my example code:
PL = naima.models.PowerLaw(1e+25 / units.eV, 1 * units.TeV, 1.8)
Tstar = 39400 * units.K
u_rad = 376 * units.erg /**3
spectrum_energy = numpy.logspace(-1, 2, 1000) * units.TeV
IC = naima.models.InverseCompton(PL, seed_photon_fields=[['star photons', Tstar, u_rad]])
sed = IC.sed(spectrum_energy, distance=50 * units.kpc)
plt.loglog(spectrum_energy, sed)
plt.xlabel('photon energy [TeV]')
This is a side-effect of the numerical computation method used and the quasi-monochromatic emission spectrum in the deep Klein-Nishina regime. It can be fixed by increasing the number of electron distribution points sampled per energy decade with the parameter nEed
of InverseCompton
, even though it will make the computation slower. There is a bit more info in #142.
A mention of this should probably be added to the docs.