
undefined is not an object (evaluating curItemLayoutInfo.layout)

claudepark opened this issue · 0 comments

I got an error that message is 'undefined is not an object (evaluating curItemLayoutInfo.layout)'

_visibleDetect() method in PagerTtileIndicator
const { width, x: curItemOffsetX } = curItemLayoutInfo.layout;

I called asynchronous api and I got datas using title of PagerTitleIndicator prop.
and I called this.viewPager.setPage(initIdx) but it occurs above error.
So, I think it is asynchronous issue.

I hacked this issue.

state = {
trackScoll : false
...other props,


componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {
if (prevState !== this.states) {
var initPosition = this._findInitPosition(data);
this.viewPager.setPage(initPosition )

is it other solution?