
How to get the final schedule?

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I have gone through your paper and code as well, It's very good. I have a question. How to get the obtained schedule from RL agent?

you can find the finish time for each operation by:
env.LBs.reshape(n_job, n_machine)
from the terminal state, i.e., call the above code after a rollout


Thanks it's working !!

One More Question @zcajiayin, you can check from the following link,
its a 10*10 problem where for each operation point there will be a specific machine to process it. Is this case considered in your code? if not Could you please let me know how can I do it?

Yes, I think so. But you should be aware of two things:
1). the underline distribution from which this instance is drawn. If the distribution is not the same as what we used in our paper, the performance of our method may vary;
2). Since you are using a neighbourhood search method, i.e. Simulated annealing (SA), comparing our method maybe not fair since we are a one-shot constructive process. For detail, please refer to author response of our paper.

Yeah, I have noticed distribution-related dependency. I will give it a try for operation-specific machines during the weekend.