
Establish a mechanism or workflow for external reviewers

str4d opened this issue · 1 comments

str4d commented

In the Halo 2 Dev Call today, one of the things we discussed was about enabling people outside of the zcash GH org to contribute reviews. Some suggestions were made (e.g. set up a bot, have a GH team with permissions scoped for review, etc), but no decisions on a strategy were made.

This issue can be closed once we have a workflow for external reviewers to "sign up" for contributing reviews, such that the reviews count towards the repo's review policy.

I think as said in #710 and in the last dev call, anyone is free to review code and it's much appreciated. The point is who is "obligated to review" code are the code-mantainers (ECC or external).

  1. If ECC team is OK giving scoped permissions that allow to review-only, I think this would be the best option. Also, note that with a CODEOWNERS file, you can enable GH repo option to assign automatically a review based on the CODEOWNERS file.
    And there, you can custom allocate teams/individuals on the particular features they have done + have a global pool of reviewers that rotate for general PRs.

  2. If the permissions grants are an issue (which is understandable), we can use the suggested approach of #710 and have PR delegators and a Discord server where PR reviewing is coordinated by claming every new PR that is done.
    There are bots that easily forward any new PR done to a Discord channel and publish it there. Then, they can be claimed by PR delegators or simply by anyone who has interest on reviewing them.

My take is that external-reviewers and code-mantainers will be really tight if not be the same people. Therefore a process that unifies both things would be nice-to-have.