
Bug in simple script?

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I tried the simple script in your readme, and had to change it to the following to fix some issues:

vim.keymap.set("n", "<Leader>eq", function()
  -- ask user for which register they'd like to edit
  print("Macro register: ")
  local reg = vim.fn.getcharstr()

  -- obtain the content of the register
  local reg_content = vim.fn.getreg(reg)

  -- present the register content to the user to edit
  local replaced_reg_content = vim.fn.input("> ", reg_content)

  -- take the user input and put it back into the register
  vim.fn.setreg(reg, replaced_reg_content)
end, { silent = true, desc = "Edit a macro" })

With these fixes in place, I was able to edit the register. However, any special characters, such as backspace, are lost. Do you have any idea on how we can preserve them?