
crashing on mac (reports included)

Opened this issue · 11 comments


Hi i have compiled and done as mentioned with instructions applied on only one model Teddy. i receive this issue as soon as i let go of the pen tool on demo. (attached error report)

When tried with non gui tool, similar errors with a jpg format, but png format of the same file worked. Same error as the gui error report . I assume this is expected, but just included to show comparison of error with gui report.

"Assertion failed: (image.type() == CV_8UC3), function compute, file ../../../opensse-master/features/galif.cpp, line 201."

screen shot 2017-02-12 at 17 48 49


Hi, .ong is not supported image format.

screen shot 2017-02-13 at 11 06 49

Hi apologies, thats my mistake comparison then.

Just the issue now is the Gui crashing with the pen tool release on first line draw, is that params.json file in ok format? i notice theres a reference to root folder, is there any specific folder layout i need of the model files?

This is my environment:

The model file is under Extended folder

I don't think necessarily there's any accidental coupling with folder structure, i've tried different combinations and they seem to work without gui.

I do however receive this when compiling the sketch demo, could this be the cause? (output post compilation)
screen shot 2017-02-13 at 15 10 27

ok fixed this issue, it was a collision of .dylibs because i used homebrew to install the requirements, nothing to do with your code.

Future googler reference: https://community.alfresco.com/community/ecm/blog/2012/12/11/homebrew-share-thumbnails-and-previews-on-os-x/ theres a section on the page to help conflicts with Png,Tiffs,Jpegs.

Also I have also stumbled upon a coupling in your code regards to folder structure/file naming, is it assumed that all .off files are in the same folders as the line view images? this also causes the program the crash since it can't find the model. (when after a successful search you go to click on the model)

Can you explain the naming convention of how your program expects .off and .jpeg files to be named (inside your Extended folder)?
This is a screenshot of how i executed the second github project (lineview image gen) and dumped all the images into one folder. (For sanity purposes i gave them names such as M1V1.jpeg to stand for Model 1 View 1) but this isn't what the program can accept.

screen shot 2017-02-13 at 15 55 12

screen shot 2017-02-13 at 15 56 54
Both ranges were 1-400, ignore 150 number in second image

@v-go I reproduced the crash bug, the root cause is drawed sketch image is under the relative path, You can move this image to /tmp file. This change will also make 'open SketchSearchDemo.app' work. I have a patch to fix this issue:

The crash log as below:
"Assertion failed: (image.type() == CV_8UC3), function compute, file ../../../opensse-master/features/galif.cpp, line 201."

I think you might have found another bug, I am currently re-running the image processing and am keeping the same naming convention that you have kept , to see if i can fix the "cannot find model" error.

The Gui is working for me now, just this model loading error to go.

screen shot 2017-02-14 at 21 42 25

Ok so heres the issue i face at the moment when clicking on a result image to view model, using the same structure you have mentioned in your example. Its looking for the wrong file name of the model file, how do you fix this?

screen shot 2017-02-14 at 16 32 32

The .off file have the same directory with D00001views, there surely have no 57.jpg.off file.

ok the so the word "view" in the directory name has to be lower case to match the string for some reason, maybe this varies os to os? not sure. Probably should highlight some of our conversation in the instructions regarding folder structure, the view folder and name convention or remove the coupling.

ok it works for me now.