
Windows 0.6.1 Installer - misplaced qwindowsvistastyle.dll

nishanthkarthik opened this issue · 0 comments

From @nishanthkarthik on November 18, 2018 6:38

On windows 10 64 bit msi, the qwindowsvistastyle.dll is placed inside ./platforms instead of ./styles. The styling breaks because of this and the ui looks very old school. I checked the wsix configuration as well and it had this dll inside styles folder

How do I check who loads qwindowsvistastyle.dll and how? I tried ldd on every dll and exe but none listed this dll. On linux, it usually shows a question mark if something dll (.so) is missing.

Edit : as @jkozera suggests, the copy destination is indeed different

Copied from original issue: zealdocs/zeal#1039