
unable to configure daemonset

switj opened this issue · 3 comments

switj commented

There are several configuration options that require manual edits of the templates to change

            - name: EXCLUDE_POD_REGEX
              value: ""
            - name: TAIL_FROM_HEAD
              value: "true"
            - name: FLUENTD_LOG_FILE
              value: ""
            - name: ZE_LOG_LEVEL
              value: "info"
            - name: NODE_LOGS_PATH
              value: "/var/log/*.log,/var/log/syslog,/var/log/messages,/var/log/secure"
            - name: EXCLUDE_PATH
              value: "[\"/var/log/boot.log\",\"/var/log/lastlog\"]"
            - name: FLUSH_INTERVAL
              value: "30s"
            - name: VERIFY_SSL
              value: "false"

A nice to have would be to allow overriding this by putting it in the values.yaml

Very good suggestion, thanks Josh. I will add those to values.yaml.

Josh, I have added all of above as configurable parameters. Please let me if you have any issues.

  • Brady
switj commented

changes look great, thanks!