
Multiple keybindings for one action are listed inconsistently

MultisampledNight opened this issue · 3 comments

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Sometimes multiple keybindings for the same action are

This is sparkled throughout the whole document, not just bound to one place.

Oh wow, possibly I've understood it completely wrong in the first place. The comma (,) seems to denote what action follows after another one, else Command + K , Up wouldn't make much sense.

Thanks @MultisampledNight, always appreciate your keen eye. Yes, commands with a comma in them are considered chords and require multiple bindings to be ran in a row.

Alright, I see, thank you! It'd be awesome to have this listed below the All key bindings heading! Maybe something like this:

Different keybindings for the same action are listed in different rows. Shortcuts with commas (,) in them require the individual bindings to be typed in that order to run the action, forming a chord.

On a sidenote, the + at Shift +Right has no space on its right-hand side. Otherwise I think this can be closed if you added it to the page/feel like things are already clear enough!