
[Project Idea] Introduce Github discussions, gitter, or similar?

iainh opened this issue · 3 comments

iainh commented

I've been wondering whether there might be value in enabling Github discussions or setting up gitter or something similar to allow for an additional channel of discussion of up coming changes, project development questions, or announcing when you are working on something that isn't ready for a PR to avoid duplicate efforts. Any interest in this? Anything public adds an amount of moderation overhead which might out weigh the value depending how active it is. Perhaps just creating issues and self-assigning (permissions permitting) would work.

That sounds like a grand idea, thinking lowest friction would be Github discussions. Would you be up for helping manage those by any chance?

iainh commented

Agreed about Github discussions. Nicely integrated and it fits with the messaging style that I anticipate that will be seen. I am available to help manage the discussions, absolutely. I look forward to getting started.

I created some initial discussion topics, #54 and #56, feel free to contribute.