
facet_grid_sc does not seem to work with dates on x axis.

Closed this issue · 2 comments

For just numerical data facet_grid and facet_grid_sc seem to work fine (i.e. both of these plots work):

test_df <- 
     tibble( date = seq(1, 16), 
             y1 = rnorm(n = 16), 
             y2 = seq(1, 16)
             ) %>% 
     melt(id.vars = c('date')) %>% 

ggplot(data = test_df, aes( x = date, y = value)) +          
          geom_line() +          
          facet_grid(variable~.) +

scales_y <- list(
       `y1` = scale_y_continuous(),
       `y2` = scale_y_continuous()

ggplot(data = test_df, aes( x = date, y = value)) +          
          geom_line() +    
          facet_grid_sc(rows = vars(variable), scales = list(y = scales_y )) +      

But facet_grid_sc does not work for date data on the x axis (i.e. the second plot fails):

test_df <- 
     tibble( date = seq(as.Date('2015-09-15'), as.Date('2015-09-30'), by = "1 days"), 
             y1 = rnorm(n = 16), 
             y2 = seq(1, 16)
             ) %>% 
     melt(id.vars = c('date')) %>% 

ggplot(data = test_df, aes( x = date, y = value)) +          
          geom_line() +          
          facet_grid(variable~.) +     

scales_y <- list(
       `y1` = scale_y_continuous(),
       `y2` = scale_y_continuous()

ggplot(data = test_df, aes( x = date, y = value)) +          
          geom_line() +
          facet_grid_sc(rows = vars(variable), scales = list(y = scales_y )) +   

Thanks for the report. It's duplicated so I will close it (see #13 ).

My apologies for the careless issue post. Thank you for the reply.