
Application send "$10=1" when disconnecting from bluetooth

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Hi @zeevy
I faced a wierd issue/feature.
When I disconnect from bluetooth module by pressing image button, the application always sends "$10=1" command. Next time when I turn it on I will need to manually send "$10=511" command for the application to work correctly.
Can you please tell me what is the need of sending "$10=1" command and how may I avoid this?

zeevy commented

Application requires buffer report to work properly.
It sends $10=2 during startup if not already configured in firmware.

On disconnect it will try to restore the original value. As some other applications don't like $10=2
$10 only supports 0 or 1 or 2
Not sure why it needs 511 to work properly.

zeevy commented


Application requires buffer report to work properly. It sends $10=2 during startup if not already configured in firmware.

On disconnect it will try to restore the original value. As some other applications don't like $10=2 $10 only supports 0 or 1 or 2 Not sure why it needs 511 to work properly.

He @zeevy
Thanks for your reply.
$10=1 and $10=2 make very poor info in the status messages.
In grblHAL there're lots of options available in $10 parameter:

If I set $10=1 or $10=2, I will not get info about speed, spindel, position coordinates etc. That's why I need a higher debug level in grblHAL firmware.
And it looks strange for me that the application tries to modify GRBL settings implicitely. Can we somehow avoid this?

zeevy commented

Unfortunately it can't be avoided for now, as the application is build with grbl 1.1 compatibility.
I will try to change the behavior in upcoming releases

I'm closing the issue in this case, thanks @zeevy