

Primary LanguageShell

DEPRECATED No Maintenance Intended

This repository is now deprecated and it will be available until 01.06.2021.

Easy Flow

easy_branch: A simple tool to create a Jira issue, a branch with the issue id and summary.


jq curl Jira key (https://id.atlassian.com/manage/api-tokens)


Getting Started

Export these variables with their proper values:

export JIRA_KEY=[key]
export JIRA_USER=[user]
export JIRA_SERVER=[org].atlassian.net
export JIRA_IN_PROGRESS_ID=get it from jira, default value if absent: 111
export JIRA_BRANCH_SEPARATOR="/" // optional, default is _ 

You might want to symlink the script:

ln -s ~/easy-flow/easy-flow.sh easy-flow

Source it:

source easy-flow 

use it:

easy_branch this is a test summary

and add to your .bashrc or .zshrc and maybe alias for short:

export JIRA_KEY=...
export JIRA_USER=[user]
source easy-flow
alias eb=easy_branch

Most of the times you'll want to have the squad by default (and maybe a label?)

alias eb="easy_branch -l some_label"


-t [Bug|Task(Default)|Story]
-d Description (optional)
-nb | --nobranch Does not create a branch
-l [label] (can be used mutiple times: -l label1 -l label_2 ...)
* summary

If you want to create a bug you can do (:

eb -t Bug this is a summary

or if you want descriptions:

eb -t Bug -d "this is the description" this is the summary

note that descriptions have quotes

Jira Transition

Move tickets to "In Progress" :

to_in_progress [TICKET-ID]