
False mixin not found

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I have the following error that displays in my terminal:

Error: false mixin not found
  on line 76 of node_modules/typi/scss/private/breakpoints/_breakpoints.scss
  >>  @error "#{$lib} mixin not found";`

I am using the last versions of typi and mappy-breakpoints with the following code:

$typi-breakpoint: mappy-breakpoints;

$breakpoints: (
  small: 600px,
  large: 1200px,
  max: 1600px

$typi-breakpoint: mappy-breakpoint; no s :)

Thank you. I've solved my issue, the problem had nothing to do with typi sorry!

However, you might want to correct your article here as it is using mappy-breakpoints instead of mappy-breakpoint : https://zellwk.com/blog/advanced-typi/

Typi got upgraded :)