
only keep current active app window in light theme

djwgit opened this issue · 1 comments

thanks for this nice app.
wonder if could add a function does this

  • take the system setting, set system to dark theme
  • but only keep current active window in light theme...

current active window in light theme, which is easier to read. (as reading black text in white paper, not really find dark theme easier for reading, maybe just me :-)
while the other inactive windows are in dark, less distracting...

Hey @djwgit,

I'm afraid we won't be able to make the current active window use light mode and all the other windows use dark appearance. The way the application works is to set a specific setting in the applications property list which forces the application to use light-mode (even if the system is set to dark-mode). For the setting to be applied, the application needs to be restarted as property lists are loaded and cached during launch. This is way Gray will relaunch any application that you edit.

But it would be an interesting feature for sure, but sadly I don't see how this could be implemented.