
Tracing methods

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Can this trace through class methods? What about functions/methods with typed outputs?

Re: classmethods @ammirsm

Re: typed inputs/outputs yup! any python function

Y'all are basically building a compiler. What would you think about building on Mojolang and making it a proper IR/compiler pass, which are supported first class. Just a thought

You can probably do all kinds of interesting program transforms and program analysis, mixing prompt optimization, finetuning, differentiable programming, training task specific specialized models, multimodal intermediate states and stuff like that...but yea everyone is in python for now. I think mojo is going to get big, and they're already working on tight integration

Yeah exactly, this is our first step in the direction of a compiler. We'll have learned the experiences to do it right in Mojolang, Rust, etc. when the time comes

Can this trace through class methods?

yes, I don't see any issue with that, but let us know if you saw any issues that you are ran into and we will fix it for you.