
ResourceCollection.create doesn't support multiple arguments

Opened this issue · 2 comments

e = Ember.Object.create( { x: 1 }, { y: 2 } );
e.get('x'); // 1
e.get('y'); // 2


c = Ember.ResourceCollection.create( { x: 1 }, { y: 2 } );
c.get('x'); // 1
c.get('y'); // undefined

Ember.Resource.extend and Ember.ResourceCollection.extend work. Ember.Resource.create, like Ember.ResourceCollection.create, does not.

jish commented

It is not supposed to. Ember Resource (for better or for worse) uses the second argument to create internally.

Ember Objects support that syntax for dynamically mixing in functionality at the instance level. If you want mix in functionality, Ember Resource recommends that you mixin at the class level, not the instance level.

App.MyCollection = Em.ResourceCollection.extend(MyMixin, AnotherMixin, { ... });
myCollection = App.MyCollection.create();
jish commented

That said, we could look into dropping that requirement in 2.0.