
Allow setting King Konf's ignore_unknown_variables

sean-heller opened this issue · 3 comments

When running on Kubernetes, if there are any Service objects with names that start with racecar-, invalid environment variables will be present since Kubernetes provides Service details as environment variables

This results in the error:

unknown environment variable RACECAR_XYZ_EXAMPLE (KingKonf::ConfigError)

King Konf has a setting to get around this by setting ignore_unknown_variables: https://github.com/dasch/king_konf/blob/master/lib/king_konf/config.rb#L14-L16 but we're unable to set that in racecar before it starts up.

Would it be possible to add this?

Racecar's config just inherits from KingKonf, so you maybe you can use that configuration by adding something like this in your initializer

Racecar::Config.ignore_unknown_variables true

I tested if my example would work. Unfortunately KingKonf immediately initializes configuration from ENV, even before any other configuration are loaded.