
"New button" on secrets page does not work on small screens

lukestephenson-zendesk opened this issue · 2 comments

If I split my screen 50/50, the New button on https://samson.zende.sk/secrets no longer responds to clicks.


At full screen it works, but I wanted side by side with some instructions from confluence that I was trying to follow.

Same on the secret sharing grants screen https://samson.zende.sk/secret_sharing_grants

yeah this is all kinda messy, the whole search UI needs some more consistency :(

also the search_form capture(&block) << content_tag(:div, button, class: "col-md-1 clearfix") needs to lose the clearfix I think ...

I poked it a bit, but seems not to be easy ... adding z-index did not work either, I think first the search UIs need some more consistency before we go into more details