
Possible to disable @channel from slack integration?

benrudolph opened this issue · 2 comments

The @channel is not desired in our use-case. Sometimes we're just deploying a branch to staging that doesn't have any PRs in it because we are just directly pushing to the branch. Is there a way to disable this @channel? Could argue that it'd be more flexible if it just used some unique word and then users could setup a notification based on that word if they wanted to.

<!channel> :bangbang: Warning. There are commits going live that did not go through a pull request. Please ensure this is what you really want. :bangbang:

I'm fine with simply removing it ... it seems kinda noisy to do notifications for staging deploys anyway, that's why we never saw this problem :)

Nice, sounds great. We're a team of 4 so have reached any significant noise level yet :)