
Conversation Color property seems to act unexpectedly

Closed this issue · 1 comments

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What is the current behavior?
When setting Conversation Color to something dark (i.e. black in my case) through both Smooch.init params or via the SunCo channel settings the background of reply type actions don't seem to change accordingly. See pic for example of Conversation Color set to black.
Screenshot 2021-05-19 at 14 36 42

Please provide the steps to reproduce and, if possible, a minimal demo of the problem via
https://plnkr.co, https://codepen.io/, or similar (e.g. a GitHub repository).
Set Conversation Color to black (black or #1a1a1a) and trigger a messagePost that includes at least one action that has a type of reply.

What is the expected behavior?
Conversation Color is applied to all parts of the elements and swap text color to fit (i.e. if Conversation Color is set to black then the button text should be white) or at the very least the color is applied and the background uses a value 10-20% lighter than the supplied color.
Please tell us about your environment:

  • Delivery method: [CDN]
  • Version (can be found using Smooch.VERSION in your browser): 4.29.21
  • Browser: [all ]
  • OS: [OS X] + Big Sur 11.1

Other information (e.g. detailed explanation, stack traces, related issues, suggestions how to fix, links for us to have context, eg. Stack Overflow, etc)
I thought about trying to style the elements via CSS overwriting rules with !important but I don't think styling the iframe (which afaik is only possible using JavaScript) would be possible because of CORS issues.

Hi @jgibson94,

The team tells me this behaviour is by design.
I'll share your feedback with the product team:

What is the expected behavior?
Conversation Color is applied to all parts of the elements and swap text color to fit (i.e. if Conversation Color is set to black then the button text should be white) or at the very least the color is applied and the background uses a value 10-20% lighter than the supplied color.