
Expressions with 'or'

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Not sure that is unexpected, but zf1 db works differently with 'or' in expressions

$select = new Sql\Select();
$select->where(['column1 is null or column1 = 2']);
$select->where(['column2 = 3']);
print $select->getSqlString(); exit;


SELECT * WHERE column1 is null or column1 = 2 AND column2 = 3

expected by me

SELECT * WHERE (column1 is null or column1 = 2) AND (column2 = 3)


but zf1 db works differently with 'or' in expressions

ZF1 != ZF2/ZF3

Use the methods nest and unnest:

$select->where->nest() // bracket opened
    ->equalTo('column1', '2')
    ->unnest();  // bracket closed
    ->equalTo('column2', '3')

An example in the documentation is missing.

@froschdesign thanks, @xrmx fixed the documentation!