
Plugin ZendDeveloperToolsTime have no alias

malinink opened this issue · 3 comments

There is plugin call here.
With SM3 that call rises exception A plugin by the name "zendDeveloperToolsTime" was not found in the plugin manager

There is two ways to fix problem - add alias, modify a call. I think that alias is better solution. I'll add PR.

Good catch @malinink ! You just saved me, many thanks.

In my case, I think doctrine2 is calling it with the lowercase 'z'.

vendor/doctrine/doctrine-orm-module/view/zend-developer-tools/toolbar/doctrine-orm-queries.phtml 8: <?php echo $this->zendDeveloperToolsTime($collector->getQueryTime()); ?>

Shouldn't that be where the fix is, rather than an alias in zend-developer-tools/src/Module.php?

There is a PR for Doctrine 2 here: doctrine/DoctrineORMModule#496

Fixed in Doctrine