
Exception on php 7.2

IgorDePaula opened this issue · 2 comments

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On any route that I navigate, I receive the same exception above:

Error on line 125, on file /var/www/html/Project/vendor/zendframework/zend-developer-tools/src/ZendDeveloperTools/Collector/TimeCollector.php: The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls.

This occur on php 7.2, ubuntu 18.04

Code to reproduce the issue

No have code, enable this module and will receive the exceptions

Expected results

The has no exceptions

Actual results

Many exceptions

@IgorDePaula What version of zend-developer-tools are you using?
It has been fixed in 0a0b9f7 and released with 1.2.0.

The latest version is 1.2.1 and I suggest to run composer update to update packages to the latest stable version compatible with PHP 7.2 :)