
cannot assign translator object to validator.

bkilinc opened this issue · 7 comments

Following code to assign a translator to validator...

use Zend\I18n\Translator\Resources;
$translator = new \Zend\I18n\Translator\Translator();

.. throws following error message:

Argument 1 passed to Zend\\Validator\\AbstractValidator::setDefaultTranslator() must
implement interface Zend\\Validator\\Translator\\TranslatorInterface or be null,
instance of Zend\\I18n\\Translator\\Translator given

It doesn't work either. I don't use MVC framework. This is an expressive API application.

@bkilinc If you look carefully at the typehints, each of those that accept a translator are looking for a Zend\Validator\Translator\TranslatorInterface instance. This interface is compatible with that found in zend-i18n (it defines a singe method, translate(), which has an identical signature to the equivalent method in zend-i18n), so you can implement it via an anonymous class.

As an example, I would create a delegator factory on the zend-i18n TranslatorInterface service that does the following:

use Psr\Container\ContainerInterface;
use Zend\I18n\Translator\TranslatorInterface as I18nTranslatorInterface;
use Zend\Validator\Translator\TranslatorInterface as ValidatorTranslatorInterface;

class TranslatorDecoratorFactory
    public function __construct(ContainerInterface $container, string $serviceName, callable $factory)
        return new class($factory()) implements I18nTranslatorInterface, ValidatorTranslatorInterface {
             * @var I18nTranslatorInterface
            private $translator;
             * @param I18nTranslatorInterface $translator
            public function __construct(I18nTranslatorInterface $translator)
                $this->translator = $translator;
            public function translate($message, $textDomain = 'default', $locale = null)
                return $this->translator->translate($message, $textDomain, $locale);
            public function translatePlural($singular, $plural, $number, $textDomain = 'default', $locale = null)
                return $this->translator->translatePlural($singular, $plural, $number, $textDomain, $locale);

Attaching it as a delegator looks like this:

// in config/autoload/dependencies.global.php:

use Zend\I18n\Translator\TranslatorInterface as I18nTranslatorInterface;

return [
    'dependencies' => [
        'delegators' => [
            I18nTranslatorInterface::class => [TranslatorFactory::class],

Working with it this way, you can still add translation file patterns via other delegators on the zend-i18n translator interface service (just make sure they occur BEFORE the one that decorates it). Alternately, you could add a __call() method to the implementation so that it can proxy any other method calls to the underlying translator instance (which is what the one on zend-mvc-i18n does).

I should simply create a translator object and assign it as default translator to abstract validator. This should be as simple thing. And this should be filed as a bug.
\Zend\Validator\AbstractValidator::setDefaultTranslator($translator) method
should accept \Zend\I18n\Translator\Translator() object.
Currently it does not, because it is an old Zend Framework 2 method which only recognizes a MVC component.
What you suggest is an ugly workaround. Sorry, I appreciate your time (for hiding a bug). But I am just trying to assign a static object to a class.
Anyway, I am not using Zend Framework way of translating things in my API. I am translating messages on clientside, using javascript.

@bkilinc This was a compromise we did for backwards compatibility purposes.

Contrary to your following statement:

I should simply create a translator object and assign it as default translator to abstract validator. This should be as simple thing. And this should be filed as a bug.
\Zend\Validator\AbstractValidator::setDefaultTranslator($translator) method
should accept \Zend\I18n\Translator\Translator() object.
Currently it does not, because it is an old Zend Framework 2 method which only recognizes a MVC component.
What you suggest is an ugly workaround.

Whether or not you consider it ugly is beside the point; there were very good reasons for this design.

Prior to splitting the components into their own development, we had a hard dependency on zend-i18n within zend-validator. We wanted to ensure that we could remove that dependency (many developers never use that functionality), but still keep the functionality. The way to do that was to create a segregated interface: an interface in zend-validator that fulfilled the translation functionality we consume within this component. From there, we could then adapt the zend-i18n translator to it, or, better, use something standalone if desired.

zend-mvc-i18n does this adaptation for zend-mvc projects. Note that it is an additional package on top of zend-i18n (and, really, zend-validator as well). Even in zend-mvc we have to adapt the zend-i18n translator to be used within zend-validator! (This is true for a few other components as well.)

We could do similarly for Expressive; nobody's proposed it prior to this. If you would like such functionality, feel free to propose it. However, in the meantime, the workaround detailed in my previous comment will work today.

Ok, thank you. I will use your solution for server-side translations. I thought it could be more simple. But it is OK right now.

I created following middleware, for setting default translator. You just need to put it in routes or in application pipe. Currently you can define defaultLanguage in middleware factory. And it does not detect accept-language from headers. but works for me.

namespace App\API;

use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
use Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface;
use Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface;

use Zend\I18n\Translator\Resources;
use \Zend\Validator\Translator\TranslatorInterface;
use \Zend\Validator\AbstractValidator;

class Translator implements TranslatorInterface  {
    protected $langData;
    protected $lang;
    function __construct($lang) {
        $this->lang = $lang;
        $path = $this->resourcePath($this->lang);
        if (! file_exists($path)) {            
            $this->lang = 'en';
            $path = $this->resourcePath($this->lang);
        $this->langData =  require($path);

    function getLanguage()
        return $this->lang;

    function resourcePath($lang)
        return realpath( Resources::getBasePath().'/'.$lang.'/Zend_Validate.php');

    function translate($message, $textDomain = 'default', $locale = null) {
        return isset($this->langData[$message]) ? $this->langData[$message] : $message;

class ValidatorTranslate implements MiddlewareInterface
    protected $defaultLanguage;
    function __construct($defaultLanguage = 'en')
        $this->defaultLanguage = $defaultLanguage;

    public function process(ServerRequestInterface $request, RequestHandlerInterface $handler) : ResponseInterface
        $lang = $this->defaultLanguage;
        // TODO: get accept-language from header
        $translator = new Translator($lang);            

        $response = $handler->handle($request);

        return $response;