
Updated Azure CLI = 2.0.80

ybelMekk opened this issue ยท 3 comments

Is it possible to update cli version to 2.0.80
Im looking to use: az apim backup
It haves some issues in earlier versions.
Now they added som arguments, but when i apply them i get this:

**ERROR: az: error: unrecognized arguments: --backup-name a-name --storage-account-name a-storage --storage-account-container backup --storage-account-key *****

I tried it local with 2.0.80 and it is supported in the latest version.

Hey @ybelMekk, thanks a lot for crontributing by opening this issue !
Do not hesitate to push a PR with the proper correction if by any chance you feel happy to contribute more ๐Ÿ˜‰

In the meantime, you can still build the image with desired azure CLI & Terraform versions as described in the documentation

Hello! And thanks for response. Yeah a PR could be a good idea. I use this with github actions and I could not find a option for : docker build in the cointainer options at github actions, only docker create options. So I was not able to set the version my self. Could it be possible to add env. That the cointainer can snap up then using it, like say with G.A? Thanks again. Y

Hello @ybelMekk , I've merged the version update so you should be able to use az apim backup now!

I suggest that you open a new issue to discuss the addition of environment variables ๐Ÿ˜‰