
[BUG] Visualisation glitch on HTML components (part II)

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Some more glitches on visualisations generated from HTMLString:

After a feature clustering step I am plotting the resulting clusters using a plotly scatter plot which then gets exported to an HTML string representation. In the old dashboard the plot looks fine, in the new dashboard only the background and cluster labels can be seen, but the actual markers are not visible in the chart.

(Happy to share the code use to generate the plot privately, but cannot post it openly)


If you could share some dummy code to produce a similar plot / reproduce (DM via slack is fine) that'd help us, for sure! Thank you!

This one might be a fluke, I think an additional dependency might have got bumped resulting in some NaNs in my code (unrelated to the new dashboard) which were the cause of the empty drawing