
quill.history.undo() not working in typescript

NagarwalRahul opened this issue · 1 comments

Thanks for filing an issue!

If at all possible, please provide a Codesandbox or Codepen to demonstrate the problem you're having with React Quill. Here's a template to get you started.

⚠️ Make sure that your bug hasn't already been fixed by ReactQuill v2.0.0-beta.2. See the homepage for instructions on how to upgrade.

Ticket due diligence

  • I have verified that the issue persists under ReactQuill v2.0.0-beta.2
  • I can't use the beta version for other reasons

ReactQuill version

  • master
  • v2.0.0-beta.2
  • v2.0.0-beta.1
  • 1.3.5
  • 1.3.4 or older
  • Other (fork)


Is this a bug in Quill or ReactQuill?

ReactQuill is just a thin wrapper on top of the Quill editor. Often, what looks like a bug in ReactQuill, is actually a bug in the Quill editor itself. Before opening a ticket, please check the Quill documentation, and the issues page, and see if that answers your question first.

How do I access the wrapped Quill instance?

See the instance methods and API documentation.

Here is how I got it working with Typescript. Here is my Codesandbox: https://codesandbox.io/p/sandbox/react-quill-typescript-undo-redo-sjs6v4


    let quillEditor: any;

    handlers: {
      undo: () => {
        return quillEditor?.history.undo();
      redo: () => {
        return quillEditor?.history.redo();

      ref={(el) => {
        if (el) quillEditor = el.getEditor();
      onChange={(html, delta, source, editor) => {